Sunday, October 12, 2008

Still Newsworthy: Faux News-worthy

Sarah Palin is apparently going heighten her rhetoric on abortion...I'll bring the whiskey you bring the beer, there's brain cells to be lost.

McCain recently said he'll "whip" Obama's "you know what" at the debate...He took back his statement when one of his advisers informed him that he couldn't bring a whip to the debate, not even for "that one."

In other news, John McCain blasted Georgia Rep. John Lewis for his statements hinting that John McCain and Sarah Palin "are sowing seeds of hatred and division." Wonder what would give him that crazy idea?

Obama recently accused McCain of "looking for distractions" from the actual campaign...after which Obama mentioned he has a new obsession with pie. He will put all further election activities on hold until the economic condition allow the average American to get Key Lime ingredients more feasibly.

Faux News recently did a segment on this year's connection between fashion and politics...Obama supporters everywhere are buying different Obama t-shirts with smart, hip, and witty phrases...not to be out-done, on the McCain side of the fence rich white dudes everywhere are flocking to Super Cuts.

The report leaves us all wondering, will the Faux News election coverage ever cover the election?

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